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What is KreateSell and what does it do?

KreateSell is an ease-to-use, cross-border ecommerce platform that enables creators, entrepreneurs, and online sellers to upload their digital products for fastest and easiest sales and conversion without having to learn multiple complex sales funnel platforms and instantly get paid from anywhere in the world conveniently. See more about how it works

Our mission is to help the content creators all around the globe to market their products. Moreso, get their contents to the potential prospects who might really be in need of the product.

The best thing in our mission is the ability to solve the foreign money collection issue. This isn't a barrier anymore because prospects can now pay in the currency that is supported in their country and the sellers (creators) can receive the money also in their own local currency.

Why should I use KreateSell?

KreateSell enables creators to upload their contents and get massive sales in local and global markets without having to worry about payment barriers. Now that you know what KreateSell stands to solve the issue of currency between countries. It's now left to you to decide maybe to choose KreateSell or Not.

How much does it cost to use KreateSell?

KreateSell basic account is totally free to set up. If you need some other premium services and integrations that automate tasks for you then you have to upgrade to a premium account. Read more about that on the pricing page

After Creating my account, what next?

If you have created your account on KreateSell, the next thing is to check your email inbox for Account verification email from KreateSell, open and verify with the link.

After that, you're now a bonafide seller on the KreateSell platform. The next thing for you is to set up your store details for better conversion. Always remember to make your store intriguing and compelling to push buyers to buy your products without any objection.

With that being said, you can then navigate to the product creation section and create your products. Set an attractive and must-buy price. Include all the important information then publish your product to go live. There are tons of options that can automate things for you and make life very easier for you.

Can't find what you're looking for?

If you can't find an answer to the question you are having or you have any complaint to log to the support. That shouldn't be. We're sorry you are facing this. Kindly send your complaint or question to for a quick response.

How do I make money on KreateSell as a creator?

To make money is very easy, all you just need to do is create a product. Setup Store. upload. then update your payment details and start making easy money into your account anywhere. anytime.

How do I create a product?

Video guide on this coming soon.

How can my customers make payment?

They can make payment in any of the currencies available in their country or anyone they prefer. They can make payment through flutterwave options or credit card.

I'm afraid of piracy, are my products safe with KreateSell?

Your products are safe on our platform, You don't need to be scared of plagiarism because we don't give room to such on this platform.

How do I notify you in case of any product piracy?

If you see anything wrong or someone pirated your products. We're here to serve you right. just send the proof of ownership of the product and the duplicate product details to our support for review. Justice will be served right.

Can I create and sell products for free?

Yes! You can create and sell your product for free without any charges placed on it.

What are the products KreateSell accepts

We accept ebooks, video courses, audio courses, webinar, Seminar, Coaching programme, Membership content on our platform.


What is the KreateSell Affiliate Program?

Our affiliate marketing is a simple and cost-effective promotional system where you can post referral links of creators' products on social media or your personal websites to reach a massive market and bring in more sales, also earn commision per sales made from the visitors you send us through your affiliate link.

How to become an affiliate

To become an affiliate on this platform. Register account on this platform. Confirm the account. Login into the account and simply fill out the application form. You will be asked to read and agree to our terms and conditions before your application can be submitted. We will review your application and if accepted, you will receive an e-mail notification with your login information. Click on the affiliate button and start promoting. Yeah! you're now an affiliate promoter.

How to make money as an affiliate?

To make money as an affiliate on this platform, You have to go to the marketplace, browse through the available products, select the products you like to promote and request permission from the course creator. Once approved, start promoting on any channel you love to use. Add your payment option and start getting paid for the sales you make.

How much revenue can I earn as a KreateSell Affiliate?

Your commissions will be a base of the fee preset or alloted by the product owner. So, you will earn the specified percentage on the total purchase made by a buyer directly on who came to us through your affiliate link.

Can anyone join the KreateSell Affiliate Program?

Not everyone will be eligible to become an affiliate. Before applying, please ensure your qualifications meet our minimum requirements by reading our Terms & Conditions document.

Can I join if I’m participating in another affiliate program?

There is no restriction attached when participating in our affiliate program. You are 100% free to continue to participate with other affiliate programs.

Can I participate from any Country?

KreateSell Affiliate Program is a worldwide program open to all affiliates who meet our acceptance requirements and have payment gateway to accept your commissions.

When do I get paid?

Affiliate commissions are paid instantly into your KreateSell wallet. The total commission will be available for withdrawal into your local account after 48 hours. If, during the payout period before a commission is paid out, the originating purchase is refunded back to the buyer, revoked, or gets removed in any way, we reserve the right to reverse the affiliate commission on that same purchase.

What form of payment will I receive?

All affiliate commissions are paid via local bank details supplied and it requires a certain threshold to withdraw.

How can I track the success of my promotion?

You can track the success of your promotion through the user-friendly Affiliate dashboard which you land on after a successful login action.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

Please send your concerns or questions to Our Support on email through

What sort of tools do you provide to your affiliates?

We provide affiliate promoters with text links, guides & suggestions on how to best sell our services.

Is there any cost to become an affiliate?

No, it's absolutely free to sign-up and promote.

Do I need to pay tax?

You'll need to reach out to your accountant if you don’t know if and how to announce the earnings you receive from KreateSell either as an entity or as an organization. KreateSell doesn't outline any kind of tax related guidelines, conference or services.


I don't have foreign payment account, can i still receive my payment?

Yes, You can receive your payment in local currency as long as you are using our platform to sell your products.

How can I make money as a Creator?

It's very simple I say. All you just need to do is compile the knowledge you have into an ebook, video course, membership etc., upload on KreateSell and start making easy money into your local bank account.


If the product bought is not genuine, can I get a refund?

We are not building a platform that allows discrimination and scam. We are building a free and fair platform for both buyers, sellers and affiliates. Please kindly forward the product link and all the details of the payment attached with the confirmation of your payment (receipt) to our support: before 24 hours.

Am I Safe to make payment for a membership plan?

Yes, you're safe to make payment for anything. Our platform is safe for anybody.


Can I sign up with my social media account?

Yes, You can sign up on KreateSell with your social media account. Just ensure to select it on the signup page and proceed.

Is my login details safe?

Yes, KreateSell provides maximum security measures and controls for your login information. All passwords are encrypted which means, not visible to anyone.

How secure is KreateSell

Our platform is secure. We take all necessary measures to ensure that information is secured as possible by maintaining physical, electronic, and procedural security to prevent unauthorized access of confidential credentials. We don't take your credit card details on our platform. All the payments are made and secured on verified and popularly accepted Flutterwave.


How long does it take for funds to be deposited into my account?

Funds are basically deposited into your local account within 48hours or two business days.

How do I know if my customer has paid?

KreateSell gives you notification for every transaction related to your account via email. The KreateSell Account Manager also updates you with an easy-to-read summation of all transactions and their status. Furthermore, you can view a payment history for each of your customers on your KreateSell dashboard.

What if my question isn't answered here?

If you went through all the frequently ask questions and your concern or question is not answered then you simply need to reach out to us on